Ref: 2935713 | Last Modified: 11-05-2024
Agency Property ID: Savills 334035

Scenic Villas

Scenic Villas, Scenic Villa Drive , Pokfulam , Hong Kong Island

Sell: 49,500,000 HKD
Monthly Instalment: 192,168 HKD
Monthly Instalment
Loan Amount:
Monthly Instalment:
4   3   0
Gross: 2,517 sqft ( 19,666 / sqft HKD)
Saleable: 2,311 sqft ( 21,419 / sqft HKD)

Property Information

Scenic Villas is located on the seafront only 15 minutes drive from Central District. It is an ideal complex for families with small children looking for an economical solution to being by the sea in a spacious four bedroom apartment. The recreational facilities include tennis courts, swimming pools and a children's playground. There is a regular mini-bus service runs from the doorstep into Central. All the tenants in the complex enjoy satellite TV. (Stock Reference Number: 334035; Advertisement Date: 2020-07-08)

  • Balcony
Pokfulam Transaction Historical Chart
-- Avg Price Per Square Foot --
Recent Property Transactions in Pokfulam
Date Price(M) Address Size Price/ft2
9/12/16 Sell 5.78 Flat F, Floor 14, Block 2, Pokfulam Gardens, Pokfulam 526 $10,989.0
9/12/16 Sell 5.55 Flat G, Floor 6, Block 5, Pokfulam Gardens, Pokfulam 526 $10,551.0
9/9/16 Sell 21.50 Flat C, Floor 10, Block 20, Baguio Villa, Pokfulam 1,520 $14,145.0
9/9/16 Sell 21.68 Flat A, Floor 4, Block 17, Baguio Villa, Pokfulam 1,580 $13,722.0
9/8/16 Sell 5.48 Flat B, Floor 12, Block 3, Pokfulam Gardens, Pokfulam 535 $10,243.0
9/7/16 Sell 13.50 Flat A, Floor 19, Block 21, Baguio Villa, Pokfulam 1,020 $13,235.0
9/7/16 Sell 20.50 Flat C, Floor 14, Block 22, Baguio Villa, Pokfulam 1,520 $13,487.0
9/5/16 Sell 13.20 Flat 2, Floor 6, Block D, Greenery Garden, Pokfulam 1,244 $10,611.0
8/31/16 Sell 5.30 Flat B, Floor 5, Block 4, Pokfulam Gardens, Pokfulam 535 $9,907.0
8/30/16 Sell 8.30 Flat A, Floor 21, Block 4, Pokfulam Gardens, Pokfulam 815 $10,184.0
Transaction Amount Rate
< $2,000,000 1.5%
$2,000,000 - $2,176,470 $30,000 + 20% of excess over $2,000,000
$2,176,470 - $3,000,000 3%
$3,000,000 - $3,290,330 $90,000 + 20% of excess over $3,000,000
$3,290,330 - $4,000,000 4.5%
$4,000,000 - $4,428,580 $180,000 + 20% of excess over $4,000,000
$4,428,580 - $6,000,000 6%
$6,000,000 - $6,720,000 $360,000 + 20% of excess over $6,000,000
$6,720,000 - $20,000,000 7.5%
$20,000,000 - $21,739,130 $1,500,000 + 20% of excess over $20,000,000
> $21,739,130 8.5%

Contact Agent
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Lawrence Cheung (Residential Leasing)
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Company License: C-002450
Agent License: S-211420
Savills HK