Ref: 2926571 | Last Modified: 11-05-2024
Agency Property ID: Savills 289037

Aqua Blue

Aqua Blue, Tsing Fat Street , Tuen Mun , New Territories

Sell: 70,000,000 HKD
Monthly Instalment: 271,753 HKD
Monthly Instalment
Loan Amount:
Monthly Instalment:
4   3   0
Gross: 2,928 sqft ( 23,907 / sqft HKD)
Saleable: 2,531 sqft ( 27,657 / sqft HKD)

Property Information

Aqua Blue is located at Gold Coast with sensational sea view. There are 6 towers of apartments and 32 town houses and the complex is well managed with full club facilities such as gym, outdoor swimming pool, tennis court, squash court, barbeque area, children’s playground and indoor play area.Public transportations like minibuses and buses are available for accessing Tuen Mun and Mong Kok. (Stock Reference Number: 289037; Advertisement Date: 2017-11-09)

  • Parking
Tuen Mun Transaction Historical Chart
-- Avg Price Per Square Foot --
Recent Property Transactions in Tuen Mun
Date Price(M) Address Size Price/ft2
9/14/16 Sell 2.48 Flat F, Floor 2, Kai Hei Land Building, Tuen Mun 414 $5,990.0
9/14/16 Sell 2.75 Flat A, Floor 9, Block 2, Elegance Gardens, Tuen Mun 440 $6,250.0
9/14/16 Sell 2.53 Flat B, Floor 5, Kam Men Mansion, Tuen Mun 452 $5,597.0
9/14/16 Sell 3.35 Flat E, Floor 6, Block 8, Tuen Mun Town Plaza, Tuen Mun 470 $7,128.0
9/14/16 Sell 2.60 Flat 17, Floor 29, Siu Kwai Court, Tuen Mun 502 $5,179.0
9/14/16 Sell 3.00 Flat 6, Floor 21, Siu Hong Court, Tuen Mun 503 $5,964.0
9/14/16 Sell 3.71 Flat H, Floor 10, Block 2, Tai Hing Gardens, Tuen Mun 544 $6,825.0
9/14/16 Sell 3.75 Flat B, Floor 15, Block 2, Tai Hing Gardens, Tuen Mun 583 $6,432.0
9/14/16 Sell 3.00 Flat A, Floor 27, Block 7, Tuen Mun Town Plaza, Tuen Mun 598 $5,017.0
9/14/16 Sell 3.40 Flat B, Floor 5, Block 2, Bauhinia Garden, Tuen Mun 618 $5,502.0
Transaction Amount Rate
< $2,000,000 1.5%
$2,000,000 - $2,176,470 $30,000 + 20% of excess over $2,000,000
$2,176,470 - $3,000,000 3%
$3,000,000 - $3,290,330 $90,000 + 20% of excess over $3,000,000
$3,290,330 - $4,000,000 4.5%
$4,000,000 - $4,428,580 $180,000 + 20% of excess over $4,000,000
$4,428,580 - $6,000,000 6%
$6,000,000 - $6,720,000 $360,000 + 20% of excess over $6,000,000
$6,720,000 - $20,000,000 7.5%
$20,000,000 - $21,739,130 $1,500,000 + 20% of excess over $20,000,000
> $21,739,130 8.5%

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Company License: C-002450
Agent License: C-002450
Savills HK